Critical HVAC Maintenance Tips

If your heating system is currently working well, you might be wondering whether or not you actually need an HVAC maintenance appointment. Truthfully, it is the only way to know if your heating system is working at optimal levels. Ideally, you should be able to change the filter on your own, but beyond that undertaking, you should call in a professional HVAC specialist to perform each of the following tasks.

HVAC System Inspections

During the inspection, your service technician tells you the tasks that should take place to keep your HVAC system running well. It’s up to you to decide which tasks you are willing to pay for at that time. A thorough HVAC system inspection investigates the condition of the condensation drain, electrical components, fuel lines, and moving parts.

Throughout the inspection, the HVAC specialist conducts several evaluations, identifying trouble spots if any exists and making recommendations to extend the lifetime of your heating system.

For example, a dirty condensation drain prevents your heating system from working properly. Not only does humidity build up within the home, causing your system to work harder, but a clogged drain is also more likely to produce mold and bacterial growth.

The inspection determines the reliability and safety of electrical components, identifying items that need repair or replacement, such as connections and wiring. Voltage testing typically occurs at this time as well to evaluate whether or not the system is operating correctly.

All of the moving components must be properly aligned and lubricated in order to ensure your HVAC system is running properly and safely. Without proper lubrication, friction prevents the parts from moving freely, causing your equipment to work less efficiently.

Your HVAC technician also inspects the exhaust system for signs of clogs or leakage. A system that isn’t vented properly allows carbon monoxide to build up within your home or business, placing you at risk of becoming ill and losing consciousness. Fuel lines are also inspected for their integrity.

HVAC Evaluation

An evaluation of the heating system’s operational performance is a continuation of the inspection process. Your technician carefully considers how well your system is operating throughout its performance from initial startup through its shutdown cycle. As part of this process, the thermostat is evaluated as well to determine how accurately it is performing.

HVAC System Tune-ups

HVAC system tune-ups should occur prior to the time when you need to take the chill off the air. Tune-ups are designed to enhance your heating system’s performance, ensuring it operates at an optimal level. Not only will your home feel more comfortable, but you will also save money on the cost to heat your residence or business.

Ideally, you should schedule seasonal HVAC maintenance appointments at least twice a year to ensure the unit is operating properly. If your system begins to make unusual noises, produce odd odors, or run erratically, you should schedule an evaluation of its components to determine the problem. Paying attention to how well your HVAC system is operating is often the best defense against expensive repairs.


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